Generate predictable revenue with a product that sells itself.
Our merchants love us
Merchants who use aasaan really love everything about it.

How does it work?

Invite new users to Aasaan's Premium and Business plans

Get 25% of their monthly subscription, compounding monthly. Potential earnings exceed $10,000 per month as your commissions grow with each compounded month.

Network Benefits

Your referred network also receives an enticing 30% discount on their chosen plans, making it easier for them to convert.

Performance-Based Bonus

Achieve an even greater income by surpassing 50 paying referrals for the 'Business' Plan, leading to a Monthly Revenue Share of 40%.
Effortless Affiliate Management
Our user-friendly dashboard ensures efficient affiliate management. Easily communicate with customers and seamlessly track earnings, keeping you in control of your affiliate business.
Wider Reach, Easier Connections
Expand your audience effortlessly. Promote Aasaan anytime, anywhere, and share across social media platforms. Reach potential customers wherever they are online, maximizing your affiliate earnings and broadening your reach.
Optimized for Growth
We're here to help you grow. Streamline your processes, launch campaigns faster, and free up resources. Manage your network efficiently, focus on earning, and watch your affiliate business thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Aasaan Affiliate Program includes entrepreneurs, educators, influencers, and content creators who inspire and teach their audience about entrepreneurship with Aasaan. The program is free to join, and allows you to monetize your audience and earn commissions from each new aasaan merchant referral.

Promoting aasaan effectively largely hinges on your activity across different platforms. If you are frequently involved in various Slack groups, make use of this by looking for conversations where keywords that aasaan addresses are mentioned. Similarly, if you are active on LinkedIn or Twitter, you might consider endorsing aasaan to your network through a post. For those who are engaged on platforms like Instagram and TikTok, creating a video demonstrating the specific ways aasaan assists you can be an excellent promotional strategy. Also, using aasaan in your bio can be a way for both new and existing followers to discover it continuously. Lastly, don't forget the power of word-of-mouth; promoting aasaan to friends and family via Whatsapp is a simple yet effective strategy.

No your link is valid forever and will not change in future.

No, even if they will only become paying customers after months, it will still count as your referral.

As soon as your first referee becomes a paying customer, we will notify you proactively and provide further instructions.

Yes. The Aasaan Affiliate Program is global and we welcome you to apply as long as our third-party affiliate software supports your country of residence.