
The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Dropshipping Business in India in 2024

Sivaram Gadiraju
Founder, CEO
April 19, 2023

If you’re considering starting a business in India, view drop shipping.

Dropshipping is a business model where you sell products online without holding any inventory. Instead, you work with suppliers who ship products directly to your customers.

One of the most significant advantages of dropshipping is that it’s a low-risk and low-investment business model.

You don’t need to purchase inventory upfront or rent a physical storefront, which can save you a lot of money. Dropshipping allows you to test different products and niches without committing to a large inventory.

Dropshipping is also becoming increasingly popular in India. With the rise of e-commerce and online shopping, more and more people are turning to drop shipping as a way to start their own businesses.

India is one of the fastest-growing ecommerce markets in the world, making it an ideal place to start a dropshipping business.

If you want to start a dropshipping business in India in 2023, you’re in the right place.

In this post, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to start your own dropshipping business, from conducting market research to launching your online store. So, let’s get started!

Is dropshipping authorized by law in India?

Dropshipping is lawful. You must register your firm as a single proprietorship or a limited liability company, as well as register for GST.

That implies you’ll have to pay an extra 18% for GST. Assume you purchased a product from a vendor for 200 INR and sold it to a client for 500 INR. Consequently, like GST, you must pay an extra 18% on your revenue of 300 INR.

How much money can you make by establishing a dropshipping business?

This must have crossed your thoughts a million times when considering whether or not to use dropshipping. We are aware. Let’s try to choose a situation and do some math.

Dropship profit margins in India might be as low as 10% or as high as 40%. It would be safe to assume a conservative estimate of 25%.

How to Start Dropshipping Business in India in 2023 [STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE]

  1. Conduct market research

  2. Choose a niche and products

  3. Build an online store

  4. Launch the business

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STEP 1: Conducting Market Research

Market research is an essential step in building a successful dropshipping business.

By understanding your market, you can identify profitable niches, understand your target audience, and learn more about your competitors.

In this section, we’ll discuss why market research is essential, how to conduct it for your dropshipping business, and provide examples of useful tools.

Why is Market Research Important?

Market research is crucial for any business, including drop shipping. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Identify profitable niches: Market research can help you identify high-demand and low competition niches, allowing you to find good products to sell.
  2. Understand your target audience: By understanding your target audience, you can tailor your marketing and product offerings to meet their needs better.
  3. Learn more about your competitors: By researching your competitors, you can learn from their strengths and weaknesses and identify gaps in the market.

How to Conduct Market Research for Your Dropshipping Business?

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to conduct market research for your dropshipping business:

  1. Analyze market trends: Start by analyzing market trends to identify potential niches. Look for trends in online shopping, social media, and search engines to identify high-demand products.
  2. Understand customer behavior: Analyze your target audience for their behavior, preferences, and pain points. Consider conducting surveys or focus groups on gathering feedback directly from your potential customers.
  3. Identify demand for specific products: Use tools like Google Trends, SEMrush, and Ahrefs to gather data on search volume, competition, and other metrics for specific products. This can help you identify products with high demand and low competition.

Examples of Tools for Market Research:

Here are some valuable tools for conducting market research for your dropshipping business:

  • Google Trends: A tool that tracks search volume and interest over time for specific keywords or topics.
  • SEMrush: A comprehensive tool for SEO research and competitive analysis, which can provide insights into your competitors’ online presence.
  • Ahrefs: A tool that analyzes backlinks, keywords, and traffic for any website or webpage.
  • Facebook Audience Insights: A tool that allows you to analyze your target audience on Facebook, including demographics, interests, and behavior.
  • Amazon Bestsellers: A list of the top-selling products in various categories on Amazon, which can help you identify popular products in your niche.

By conducting thorough market research, you can set yourself up for success in the competitive world of dropshipping.

So take the time to research your market, understand your customers, and identify profitable niches before you launch your business.

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STEP 2: Choosing a Profitable Niche and Products for Your Dropshipping Business

Choosing the right niche and products is essential to the success of your dropshipping business.

In this section, we’ll discuss the importance of choosing a niche, choosing a profitable niche, choosing products to sell, and tips on finding reliable suppliers.

The Importance of Choosing a Niche:

Choosing a niche is important for several reasons:

  1. Focus your efforts: Focusing on a specific niche can help you tailor your marketing and product offerings to meet the needs of your target audience better.
  2. Establish yourself as an expert: By specializing in a specific niche, you can establish yourself as an expert in your field, which can help build trust with your customers.
  3. Differentiate yourself: Choosing a niche can help you differentiate yourself from other drop shippers and stand out in a crowded market.

How to Choose a Profitable Niche?

Here are some tips on how to choose a profitable niche for your dropshipping business:

  1. Look for niches with high demand and low competition: Choose a niche with high demand and low competition to increase your chances of success. You can use tools like Google Trends, SEMrush, and Ahrefs to identify popular niches.
  2. Consider your interests and expertise: Choose a niche you’re interested in and know about. This will make it easier for you to create content and market your products.
  3. Analyze profitability: Use keyword research tools to identify potential niches and analyze their profitability. Look for products with high profit margins and low shipping costs.

How to Choose Products to Sell ?

Here are some tips on how to choose products to sell within your niche:

  1. Identify popular products within your niche: Look for products that are already popular to increase your chances of success.
  2. Choose lightweight and easy-to-ship products: Choose products that are easy to ship and won’t cost you a lot in shipping fees. This can help you maximize your profits.
  3. Look for products with high profit margins: Choose products with high profit margins to increase your profits. Use tools like AliExpress, Oberlo, and SaleHoo to find suppliers and products to sell.

Tips on Finding Reliable Suppliers

Here are some tips on finding reliable suppliers for your dropshipping business:

  1. Look for suppliers with high ratings and positive reviews: Choose suppliers with a high rating and positive reviews from other customers to ensure that they’re reliable and trustworthy.
  2. Use platforms like AliExpress and SaleHoo: These platforms provide a range of suppliers and products to choose from, making it easier for you to find reliable suppliers.
  3. Consider ordering samples: Before making a larger purchase, consider ordering samples from a supplier to ensure that the quality is up to your standards.

By following these tips, you can choose a profitable niche and products for your dropshipping business, and find reliable suppliers to work with.

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STEP 3: Building Your Online Store

Now that you’ve chosen your niche and products, it’s time to build your ecommerce online store.

This section will discuss how to create a website using AASAAN, how to add your products, and tips on optimizing your website for conversions.

How to Create a Website Using Aasaan ?

AASAAN is a user-friendly website builder that can help you create a professional-looking ecommerce store. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Download and sign up for the aasaan app Google Play Store , IOS Store , Web.
  2. Choose a unique name for your online store.
  3. Use the catalog builder feature to add sarees to your online store. Include detailed descriptions, images, pricing, and other relevant information.
  4. Select a theme for your online store that represents your brand and products.
  5. Add a custom domain name to your online store to make it unique and easily searchable.
  6. Customize your website: Customize your website by adding your logo, adjusting colors, and creating pages for your products, about us, and contact information.
  7. Add your products: Add your products to your website by uploading product images and writing clear product descriptions. Consider using apps like Oberlo to import products from AliExpress and fulfill orders easily.
  8. Set up payment processing and shipping: Set up payment processing and shipping options to ensure that customers can easily make a purchase and receive their products.
  9. Promote your online store through various marketing channels to attract potential customers and increase sales.

Tips on Optimizing Your Website for Conversions

Here are some tips on how to optimize your website for conversions:

  1. Use high-quality product images: Use high-quality product images that showcase your products from different angles to help potential customers decide purchasing.
  2. Write clear product descriptions: Write clear and detailed product descriptions that provide all the necessary information about your products, including size, color, and materials.
  3. Include customer reviews: Include customer reviews on your product pages to build trust with potential customers and encourage them to make a purchase.
  4. Optimize for mobile devices: Optimize your website for mobile devices to ensure that customers can easily browse and make a purchase on their smartphones or tablets.
  5. Simplify the checkout process: Make the checkout process as straightforward as possible by minimizing the number of steps and asking only for necessary information.
  6. Use tools to track user behavior: Use tools like Google Analytics and Hotjar to track user behavior on your website and identify areas for improvement.

By following these tips, you can create a website that’s optimized for conversions and provides a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

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STEP 4: Launching Your Dropshipping Business

Launching your dropshipping business properly is crucial for generating buzz, attracting customers, and setting yourself up for long-term success.

In this section, we’ll discuss the importance of launching your business properly, tips on marketing your business, and how to handle order fulfillment and customer service.

The Importance of Launching Your Business Properly

A successful launch can generate excitement and momentum for your business, while a poorly executed launch can harm your reputation and make it difficult to gain traction. Here are a few reasons why a proper launch is important:

  • Attract customers: A well-executed launch can attract customers and generate interest in your products.
  • Generate buzz: A successful launch can generate buzz and increase visibility for your business.
  • Set yourself up for long-term success: A successful launch can set you up for long-term success by establishing your brand and reputation.

Tips on Marketing Your Business

Here are some tips on how to market your dropshipping business:

  1. Use social media: Use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote your products and reach your target audience.
  2. Email marketing: Build an email list and use email marketing to keep your customers informed about new products, promotions, and other updates.
  3. Paid advertising: Consider using paid advertising platforms like Facebook Ads or Google AdWords to reach a wider audience and promote your products.
  4. Collaborate with influencers and bloggers: Reach out to influencers and bloggers in your niche to collaborate on sponsored content or product reviews to expand your reach.
  5. Offer discounts or promotions: Consider offering discounts or promotions to incentivize customers to make a purchase and drive sales.

How to Fulfill Orders and Handle Customer Service

Here are some tips on how to fulfill orders and handle customer service for your dropshipping business:

  1. Use the supplier’s shipping method: Use the shipping method provided by your supplier to fulfill orders and provide customers with tracking information.
  2. Respond promptly to customer inquiries and complaints: Respond to customer inquiries and complaints in a timely and professional manner to ensure customer satisfaction.
  3. Consider using a customer service tool: Consider using a customer service tool like Zendesk or Freshdesk to manage customer support and ensure inquiries are promptly addressed.

By following these tips, you can confidently launch your dropshipping business and set yourself up for long-term success.


Starting a dropshipping business in India in 2023 can be profitable if done correctly.

To start, you need to conduct market research to identify profitable niches and learn more about your competitors.

Choosing a profitable niche and products is crucial for success, and building an online store is essential for establishing your brand and reaching your target audience.

Finally, launching your business properly is important for generating buzz and attracting customers.

We encourage our readers to take action and start their own dropshipping business in India in 2023.

While it may require hard work and dedication, the rewards of owning a successful dropshipping business can be significant.

By following the steps outlined in this post and staying committed to your business, you can achieve success and make your mark in the world of e-commerce.

aasaan is a do-it-yourself platform for businesses who wish to take their business to the internet. It is effortless and cost-effective to start an online business and grow it using the aasaan app. Want to learn how to Create Free Online Store? It is just an App Download away!


1. Is it worth starting a dropshipping business?

Starting a dropshipping business can be worth it if you have a solid business plan, niche selection, and marketing strategy. Dropshipping can be a low-cost option with minimal overhead, but success requires dedication, market research, and customer service. It is important to consider the competition and potential profit margins before starting a dropshipping business.

Yes, you need to register your business with the Indian government to operate legally. You will need to obtain a GSTIN (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) and a PAN (Permanent Account Number) to comply with tax regulations. Additionally, it’s important to have a proper agreement with your suppliers to avoid any legal disputes.

Popular dropshipping platforms in India include Aasaan, Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, and OpenCart. These platforms offer features to manage your business. Additionally, suppliers in India may have their own dropshipping programs, which can help new businesses.

4. How do I find reliable suppliers for my dropshipping business in India?

To find reliable suppliers for your dropshipping business in India, research online for suppliers with good reviews and reputation. Attend trade shows to network with suppliers in person, ask for recommendations from other dropshippers, or join dropshipping communities for advice from experienced sellers.

5. How do I market my dropshipping business in India?

To drive traffic and sales to your dropshipping store in India, use channels like social media, SEO, email marketing, and paid ads. Build a strong brand image, provide great customer service, offer promotions, and discounts to attract and retain customers.

Try it out now!

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